Teen FAQ
Have a question that you cannot seem to find the answer to? Find what you have been looking for by referencing our Teen FAQ below. We’ve specified a lot of what we do here, however if something still isn’t clear, feel free to contact us with whatever is on your mind. We’ll be happy to assist you in any way possible.

Who would I be going to see?
You would be able to meet with our experienced, highly trained mental health professionals. This team consists of psychiatrists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, RN/MA, licensed independent social workers, and licensed mental health counselors.
How can I be sure this is going to be an effective form of therapy?
Our form of therapy helps ensure that you can improve your mental health. It's hard to have healthy behavior when you're having mental health struggles. Our staff understands that and works to make your life easier.
What if opening up about my mental health is difficult for me?
Asking for help is a courageous step, and we are here to assist you. SMHC is a judgement free zone where you can feel safe to be you. Being vulnerable is okay.
Can therapists see me at school?
Yes. This addresses the barriers of transportation that would happen if you were wanting to see us at our main clinic. Students would meet with therapists for 30-45 minutes depending on age and class schedule.