Project Compass was initiated in conjunction with the Woodbury County Sheriff’s Department in efforts to serve individuals in the jail system who suffer from mental illness, or dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance abuse.
Project Compass Case Managers assess individuals for appropriateness for Mental Health Court. Once in Mental Health Court, individuals work with a Project Compass Case Manager to receive mental health services, employment, housing and entitlements. In Mental Health Court, the individual is responsible for following recommendations from the court and support team with having court reviews frequently throughout the process.
Mental Health Court is a program assisting individuals identified through the court system who suffer from mental illness.

Inmates in the Woodbury County Jail who may suffer from mental illness or dual diagnosis.
Inmates who are approaching their release date from jail.
Inmates or anyone who has been in the jail in the previous 60 days who want to take a new direction in empowering themselves to take charge of their lives.
(Individuals with severe/habitual criminal history will be assessed on a case by case basis for acceptance)
A Case Manager will be assigned to each individual accepted into Project Compass and will assist, through a team process, in developing goals that can help resolve problems that an individual might be experiencing.
A team consists of family members, friends, and other service providers
Basic Human Needs
The individual is assisted in meeting his/her need for food, clothing, shelter, and medical care.
Support and Assistance
The Case Manager offers support in applying for entitlements and accessing other services in the community. Individuals may be assisted with employment pursuit, and in gaining skills through vocational rehabilitation.
Substance Abuse Treatment
Referral to substance abuse assessments, outpatient treatment and inpatient treatment services.
Mental Health/Medical Services
The individual is assisted in securing the ser-vices of a psychiatrist, therapist, and obtaining the medications needed. The individual is also assisted in obtaining medical services that may be needed.
The Case Manager assists individuals in access-ing affordable housing and provides ongoing support to help maintain that housing.
If you have any questions contact us at
(712) 202-0173
Siouxland Mental Health Center is fully
Accredited by the State of Iowa
Division of MR/MH/DD